Having been a massive fan of both Phil Collins and Genesis since I was a teenager, and having been a collector of live concert bootlegs from those artists (and others) since about 2006, I found that I was beginning to amass a large collection of Genesis and Phil’s solo work in radio broadcast format. After discovering David Dunnington’s Complete Guide to Live Genesis Radio Shows via the fantastically detailed Genesis Movement Website (curated by Simon Funnell and providing everything you ever wanted to know about the band and its members), I soon found Dave’s guide to be most helpful. The only problem was that Dave’s work centered specifically on Genesis radio shows and not the supporting bandmates. I have searched for and never found a similar guide for Phil Collins shows, so I decided to create one of my own.

The shows listed on the Guide are all pre-FM sourced shows, either on vinyl LPs or compact discs, as I’ve always had a fondness for those old King Biscuit Flower Hour and Westwood One Superstar Concert Series radio shows. What makes these shows so unique is that they were sent to radio stations across the United States with the express instructions that they were to be destroyed or returned after one airplay. Many were not returned or destroyed, but most were. Those that were not have found their way into private collections over the years, including mine. Thus there exists a limited supply of these pre-FM shows, especially on vinyl. (Dave’s Guide has much more information about these type of shows, so please check out his page. In addition, for the most extensive list of live Genesis related material ever compiled, please visit Simon Funnel’s Genesis Movement Torrent Website where you will find torrents of most – if not all – of the shows listed here.)

With that in mind, it was my ultimate goal to make this guide as complete as possible to include all of the known pre-FM recordings of Phil Collins solo radio concerts and interview shows. After several years of collecting, I can attest that that goal has now been achieved. I have also listed all of the known Genesis radio interview specials as well, as these are not included on Dave’s list. I am choosing to leave out the FM broadcasts and simulcasts (with the exception of two notable concerts, one from 1985’s NO JACKET REQUIRED Tour and one from 1990’s BUT SERIOUSLY Tour) because those shows are catalogued in extensive detail over on Simon’s site, and to list them here would simply be redundant.

All live shows are organized within each tour and then listed in the order of their original broadcast date, not their recording date. In fact, in the case of most of the interview specials, the recording date is unknown. I have listed every show that I have knowledge of, and have copies of almost all of them in my personal collection, however, if you have any information on any pre-FM Phil Collins live concert radio broadcasts or interview specials not already listed here, please email me via the Contact Me page so that I may add them to this guide.

You can view scans of the radio show cue sheets, covers, labels, vinyl and/or compact discs by clicking on the gallery of images next to each entry. Lastly, a word of thanks to Simon Funnell for his wonderfully extensive website and for his tireless work and friendship over the years.


Here are the links for each page of the guide:

THE HELLO, I MUST BE GOING TOUR – July 1982 through February 1983

THE PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS TOUR (With Robert Plant) – August 1983 through October 1983

THE NO JACKET REQUIRED TOUR – February 1985 through July 1985

THE BUT SERIOUSLY TOUR – February 1990 through October 1990

THE BOTH SIDES TOUR – April 1994 through May 1995

THE PHIL COLLINS BIG BAND TOUR – January 1996 through December 1996

THE DANCE INTO THE LIGHT TOUR – February 1997 through December 1997

THE PHIL COLLINS BIG BAND TOUR (PART II) – June 1998 through December 1998

THE TESTIFY TOUR – January 2002 through March 2003

THE FIRST FINAL FAREWELL TOUR – June 2003 through November 2005


THE NOT DEAD YET TOUR – June 2017 through October 2019




“Welcome to the King Biscuit Flower Hour…”

Do you remember hearing those words emanating from your stereo as a kid just before the classic rock radio station you were listening to played some amazing live concert for your enjoyment? Well I do. But did you know that almost all of those shows we heard in the eighties and nineties were pre-recorded and not actual stereo simulcasts? If you are a fan of Phil Collins, you might be wondering just how many shows like this are in existence. If that’s the case, here you will find the most comprehensive Phil Collins pre-FM Live Radio Show and Interview Specials Guide available. This is similar to and inspired by David Dunnington’s Complete Guide to Live Genesis Radio Shows

Read about the history of this guide over in the left column, or simply click HERE to start your tour…